Although not exactly.

I've been browsing nocities for a long while and already had bookmarked a couple of pages that I've enjoyed browsing through over the years.
I knew that, as soon as I made my webpage, the first thing I'd do was to follow them all.

From an outsider's perspectve, I'm sure I appeared like a bot, following so many accounts virtually at once. I got some replies and -gasp- even a follower! What a golden opportunity to voice myself!

Nobody said it was easy.

I resigned myself to liking those responses. But the more I think about it, the more it feels like that's dismissive of the courtesy I have been given. I will not allow myself to not repay in kind that which is done upon me. And waiting a whole week to reply would be awkward, so I have decided to follow the advice on that dialogue box and make a page to publish my replies.

First is letslearntogether, who had the courtesy of following me back.
I thank you for your kind words. You are among the premier sources of information on self-actualization and I am sure to make use of your resources in the future. However, my self-improvement page will be mostly a record of the things I'm doing, rather than a trove of resources as is your webpage. Further, I do hope you have written this comment after carefully reading the about page. In fact, I shall update it to emphasize the most important point, concerning the propensity to verbose intensity this webpage may fall into.

Second and last, but not least important, is Craig from the index page, a webpage full of extremely entertaining, sometimes insightful pages, my favourites among which the uniform piano, the bycicle over the hill and the Ezekiel UFO page. Before its magical association, to be a wizard was to be someone full of wisdom. Craig is most definitely a wizard in the olden sense of the word.

I will likely remove this page later. I only felt like doing this because it doesn't sit right with me to not give a proper response, even if the messages are simple, empty courtesy.

Next week, the real adventure begins.

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