The procession marches on...

The sights and sounds of the palanquins capture your mind and elude your soul

(Click either the titles or images to be redirected to the YTMND)

Created By: Dstroke503
Creation date: May 15th, 2013
FG Origin:
Description: it's more like the supermarket no one goes to anymore.
Personal tags: webshaping, funny
Notice: tagged NSFW but contains no NSFW content.
What happens to a chatroom in a semi-abandoned chat client for a comatose content site?
From the ahead-of-its-time analogy that would culminate in the faux retro music fad years later, to YTMND itself being in such a state of abandon that the security certificates for the original URL ( are outdated. Funny on so many levels.
If the chatroom is an abandoned supermarket, the site its for is the whole mall.

RIP Mitch Hedberg
Created By: PolarKraken
Creation date: March 31st, 2005
FG/BG/Sound Origin: uncited
Personal tags: This day in YTMND
Chappelle was my gateway to stand-up, but it was another thing I didn't bother to seek too zealously. Videos were something you shared amongst internet circles as video sharing hubs were in their infancy. YTMNDs like these made me aware of some pretty good comics, even if a touch too late.
RIP Mitch.

Created By: FrostedFlake
Creation date: August 4th, 2005
Foreground Origin: Quick CGI
Sound Origin: Depeche Mode
Personal tags: DEWlike, weird
Kind of eerie YTMND I ran into late at night. The graphics seem straight out of N64 with sound to match. Like I just found something in Ocarina of Time that I shouldn't have. What would a neocities webpage be without something weird and/or creepy in it?

...No, I'm not writing your creepypasta.

Bush dodges EVERYTHING
Created By: Wenis
Creation date: December 15th, 2008
Foreground Origin: internet+edit
Sound Origin: Weird Al
Personal tags: George Bush, fad, Funny
Another all-time classic, courtesy of George W. Bush. Bless that guy for trying. Bush's proclivity to dodge would serve him in many occasions before and after.

Life on Mars
Created By: eatcrayons
Creation date: August 6th, 2012
Description: an excuse to feel patriotic for Science. And listen to this song.
FG/BG Origin: First image of Mars by NASA's Curiosity Rover/Mission control
Sound Origin: David Bowie - Life on Mars
Personal tags: Personal, Contemplative
The contrast of underwhelming picture, euphoria and mellow song left a deep impression. How hard they all worked to produce that...
Having written about Hanon Ex.20, I'm reminded that every time I reach a goal, this YTMND crosses my mind some time after the rush of fulfilment. How hard have I worked to produce this...
The cruelty of small steps.

FPS Doug and Arnold join The Battle on The Death Star!
Created By: Trebar
Creation date: April 18th, 2008
Description: The epic battle continues...
Foreground Origin: Star Wars Rev. 4.21
Sound Origin: + Wilhelm
Personal tags: Funny
I'm so disconnected from the fauxweb, I wonder if FPS Doug is a part of its collective conscious.
A page dedicated to a bygone age, containing references from a bygone age. George Lucas would have choice words to say about this.

Chris Rock has standards
Created By: DarthErik
Creation date: June 5th, 2012
Description: One of our finest talents
Foreground Origin: Inside the Great Black Actor's Studio, starring White Interviewer
Sound Origin: Chris "I needs money" Rock
Personal tags: Funny
First you laugh with him, then you laugh at him. I have always enjoyed Chris Rock's comedy.

A Quiet Night in Neo Gotham
Created By: distephano87
Creation date: April 7th, 2013
Description: Nothing to do
Background Origin: Batman Beyond - Series Intro
Foreground Origin: Batman Beyond - Return of the Joker
Sound Origin: RelaxDaily - B-Sides no.1 + ROTJ sfx
Personal tags: Calm
Yet another one of those moody composition of sound and picture. What can I say? I quite like these. The picture's not showing up because it's no longer in the ytmnd assets. That only adds to the mood of this piece.

Masters of Nothing
Created By: fearcondom
Creation date: April 7th, 2008
Foreground Origin: pied piper of hamlin
Sound Origin: Calvin Harris - Acceptable in the 80s
Personal tags: Music, fad
A fad meant to advertise a forum that lasted four months...
Some time later, Eurosport used this song in their promo material. These sorts of things happened too often for me to start suspecting there's someone quite fad-savvy in their ranks. Just look at watts.

Created By: Nickelodeon
Creation date: February 23rd, 2022
Description: [None given]
Background Origin: The Prayer Prunch
Foreground Origin: The Prayer Prunch
Sound Origin: Kero One - Musical Journey (Instrumental)
Personal tags: Music, calm
Another YTMND that I used for my tests creating this procession. I like the song and some more recent ytmnds need some love too. The juxtaposition of the music and the image is very evocative.

The procession marches on...

Will you follow?

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